Drawing upon our experience within the healthcare industry, our endeavour is to match products to requirements. Client condition, environment, materials and future needs all become considerations.
Remtec is a respected provider of specialist chairs, furniture and care equipment to hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare industries throughout London, Home Counties and surrounding areas.
Drawing upon our experience within the healthcare industry, our endeavour is to match products to requirements. Client condition, environment, materials and future needs all become considerations.
It is easy to take posture and seating for granted and forget about its importance, especially when in some cases it is all a user can do whilst not in bed. Having the correct chair is essential to ensure maximum well-being, functionality and independence, particularly for those who are perhaps unable to re-position themselves and therefore the chair needs to do some of the work.
One of the most common issues caused by long periods of sitting is discomfort to the skin and soft tissues which can get progressively worse leading to pressure ulcers. Reducing and relieving the pressure associated with prolonged sitting or lying is a considerable challenge within the healthcare industry. If this pressure is left unchecked, it can lead to skin and tissue damage, accelerate joint problems and result in the development of painful pressure ulcers. However, in most cases we know that pressure ulcers are avoidable and when it comes to seating, we have to concentrate on the following:
Seat width – Too wide and the chair offers no lateral support. Pressure may be directed onto one arm in an effort to prevent leaning. Too narrow results in pressure on the thighs and also creates an issue with getting in and out of the chair – especially if a sling needs fitting.
Seat Depth – Too long and the user’s feet will not reach the ground or footplate. More pressure is placed on the sacral area as the user slouches. Too short and a smaller area of the buttocks is supported causing body weight to be more concentrated.
Seat height – Too high and the user’s feet are unable to support body weight. Getting into the chair is also difficult and often results in poor sitting position. Too low and a smaller area of the buttocks is supported causing body weight to be more concentrated. Standing from the chair is also harder work.
Probably the most important and useful function a care chair can have. This is where the
seat angle tilts backward whilst maintaining a constant angle with the backrest.
Tilt-in-Space is used to relieve pressure by changing the user’s centre of gravity, keep the
user in the back of the chair and provide a different seated position without causing sheer
This is where the legrest raises to elevate the users legs. Used to reduce pressure, reduce
swelling and also assist with keeping a user from sliding forward.
Not everyone needs BAR however for some it is an essential feature. BAR is where the
backrest alone reclines separately to the seat to open up the hip angle. Often used for
those who can’t tolerate a typical seated position or those who prefer a more reclined
Contact us today for advice and help with your specialist seating requirements.